about me

Leadership and advocacy are a core part of my work ethic. I have served with many exceptional teachers in a variety of leadership roles and been a strong advocate for having a Teacher Librarian in every school.


  • Washington Library Association member, 2009 – current
    Oregon Library Association member, 2004-2009
  • Action 4Media Education board member and website developer, 2023-2024
  • Costco reading group: created and implemented an after-school reading program, Read with Me!, in collaboration with Ridgefield Costco, 2024 to current
  • Library Scope and Sequence: created a K-12 scope and sequence for multiple school districts
  • Ridgefield School District Convocation: presented Books As Windows and Mirrors, 2022-2024
  • Journalism program: developed and implemented a Journalism program at Liberty Middle School; published monthly newsletter, The Monthly Roar, 2015-2018 https://www.camaspostrecord.com/news/2017/jun/01/giving-students-a-voice/
  • Movie Marathon Overnight: collaborated with Camas Public Library to create an event for 6-12th graders to engage in watching movies all night, with related activities, 2015-2019
  • Intellectual Freedom Chair, Oregon Library Association (OLA), 2005-2009
    ·         No banned books for 4 years
    ·         Presented at OLA conference: Taking the Fear Out of Book Challenges
  • Wrote and received grant for Oregon Library Association: petitioned for funding to rewrite library/technology standards for Oregon public schools, 2009
  • Produced 2008 Young Reader’s Choice Award Nominees video
  • Published
    A Fun Way to Engage Students’ Minds and Bodies With Books, https://www.edutopia.org/article/fun-way-engage-students-minds-and-bodies-books
    Oregon Library Association journal, InterchangeAre You Blogging to Collaborate?